The delegate of France proposes to enter a moderated caucus for discussion on "Solutions to Syrian Crisis" for 15 minutes.
Delegate of France suggests a Geneva 3 conference and says wll allow ISIL delegate to appear in conference if they are ready to give up arms and discuss the solution under proper security and chooses to answer his view about ISIL to the EB in writing. While Russia claims that al conferences are pointless t which EB questions that just if a previous trial failed does it mean all the following attempts would be meaningless and failure.Kuwait pans to back the Syrian refugees, and states to donate 314 million.While Syria demands answer from UK to give a substantial docuement that Syrian government has done to "curbed Freedom of Press".
Delegate of France suggests a Geneva 3 conference and says wll allow ISIL delegate to appear in conference if they are ready to give up arms and discuss the solution under proper security and chooses to answer his view about ISIL to the EB in writing. While Russia claims that al conferences are pointless t which EB questions that just if a previous trial failed does it mean all the following attempts would be meaningless and failure.Kuwait pans to back the Syrian refugees, and states to donate 314 million.While Syria demands answer from UK to give a substantial docuement that Syrian government has done to "curbed Freedom of Press".